Contact Info

Current Club President: Pete Turner @ 443-798-0642

Sunday, April 8, 2018

27th Festival of Carving!!

Carroll Carvers 27th Festival of Carving will be held on Saturday, April 14th 10-4PM @ the Robert Moton Center, South Center St, Westminster, MD. Admission for adults & Children over 16 is $3.00, Veterans & active duty military FREE.

Free Soap Carving kits to the first 25 children, free door prizes, silent auction, carving demos & more!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Minutes of February 24, 2018

Carroll Carvers Feb Mtg Minutes

Meeting brought to order by Herb Scott, President

Update on Carving Show April 14th @ Robt Moton Ctr. From 10-4, Pete Turner passed out flyers for the show and will post flyer on Facebook page. Pete also reported that the judges have been chosen and that Buddy Stiffler of Ellicott City will be our guest carver.

Ron Clements & Gary Stenger will bring the tables @ about 1:30 April 13. Herb mentioned the problem with making sure we have enough tables & the need to coordinate tables thru one person and Ed Escalante will be the contact person for tables. Herb also mention we should encourage carvers to bring their own tables if possible.

Demos for the show will be:

 10:30 Herb Scott: Beginning carver project

11:30 Pete Turner: Soap Carving

12:30 Gary Stenger: Sharpening

1:30 Doris Jenkins:

It was also decided that novice carvers will have their own table to show and demonstrate their carvings.

Ed mentioned the silent auction and asked members to donate, tools, books, carvings, etc. This was our biggest moneymaker last year.

The club will also provide snacks, coffee and lunch again this year & Pat Clements has agreed to help w/the coffee & food.

Demos have been scheduled for the following mtgs:

March Mtg- Herb Scott: Easy carving project for beginners

May: ?

August: Ed

Oct: Pete - Spoon Carving

Pete will reserve the pavilion @ Christmas Tree Park in Manchester for the club picnic on Sat. June, 23rd.

Dates to Remember:

March 4th 10:30-3Pm Maple Sugar Fest @ Bear Branch Nature Center and Hashawha Enviromental Center, Westminster. The club will demonstrate carving so if you have a couple of hours to spare come out & join us.

March 17th Junius Wilson’s reception @ The Creative Alliance 6-8Pm, 3134 Eastern Ave, Baltimore. This is a major gallery a quite an honor for Junius so let’s support him with a good turnout. If anyone wants a ride down let Pete know maybe we can car pool.

March 17th-18th Lancaster Carving Show @ Millersville University, Millersville, PA  For info go to their Facebook Page

March 24th: Carving demo @ The Creative Alliance

April 13th: 1-5Pm Setup for the show.

April 14th Carroll Carvers Show

April 27-29th:  46th Annual Ward World Championship Wildfowl Carving Competition and Art Festival, Salisbury, MD -

Sunday, January 21, 2018

January 2018 Meeting

The January 2018 meeting of the Carroll Carvers will take place on Saturday the 27th 10-noon at the Robert Moton Ctr. Paul Wildisan will lead a demo on carving caricature faces.

It's that time of year again to renew your club membership dues are $20.00 per individual & family.

We will also discuss the palns for our Carving Show Scheduled for April 14th.