Herb Scott brought meeting to order. Discussed show and
several issues/complaints.
1. How to increase number of entries in novice &
intermediate class: Discussion followed included creating a master class where
a carver would have to win blue ribbons in three advance categories to move to
master class. The only way to increase entries in novice & intermediate was
by increasing number of new members and entries from non members. Members
discussed ways to increase membership and exposure of club. This will be
discuss @ Club Picnic June 24th.
2. There was a complaint that we didn't have enough beverage
choices. The feeling was that there was no way we could/would supply every
beverage choice. The club (Junius & Iloma Wilson) have provided the drinks
free and we provide plenty of choices.
3. Issue of having enough tables. The good news is we had
just enough, but if someone came to the show and wanted a table we couldn't
provide one. Discussion was on how to get people to reserve ahead of the show
and to restrict tables to carvers and suppliers. The club has a limited number
of tables. Thanks to Ron Clements we have 15 tables and the Rec Center has =/-
10. We have plenty of room in the gym and we discussed asking members to bring
in their own tables.
4. Ed reported that the Silent Auction brought in $302.00.
It was a great success and special thanks go to Nancy Horn, Karen Escalante
& Ed for organizing and holding the auction. The members voted to continue
the auction next year.
5. Thanks in a large part to the auction we made a profit of
$165.00. We estimate around 96 paying customers attended the show.
Club Picnic:
The picnic will be held Saturday June 24th @ Christmas Tree Park, Manchester,
MD starting @ 11 AM to ?. Please bring a dish to share and something to carve.
The club will provide meat, rolls, condiments, paper products and yes drinks.
If you have special drink request (non-alcoholic) BYO.
Junius Wilson will do a power carving demo.
Show & Tell: Junius Wilson: Bull's Head & Herb Scott :
Bark carved gargoyle